Archive for July 22, 2008

Testimonial on FAR infrared SAUNA’S

  • Mary Jul 6, 2008 at 4:20 pm

    I had gout so bad I was suicidal. I absolutely could not move my arms, even my face hurt… the pain was so bad I couldn’t read or answer the phone. I bought a far infrared sauna as a last resort. Within days I was up running around living life again. At first I used it twice per day for 20 minutes…. then down to once per day, then every other day, then twice per week. Then once per week…. but whever I have a flareup of gout for god only knows whatever reason, I go back to the twice per day routine until the pain backs off. I could not face life without my sauna.

  • Sandra and Frank
    We wanted to share our results with you and any other would be users:
    As you know we have owned our Sauna for some five months now and would like to share our feeling about using it and what we have gained over this time. Initially I was the sceptical one, having tried most type of fitness methods and having been a Physical Training Instructor in the Parachute Regiment in the past I thought that I had tried it all. I am expected to remain extremely fit just as much now as I was when I first joined over twenty years ago.
    Sandra was much more open-minded and expected a lot more than I. She suffers with a skin allergy condition and had exhausted all types of remedy and did not wish to continue taking strong medication to counter the effects any more.
    So what do we think about our purchase? Well without doubt the claims are true. We have both lost some weight and have found the therapy offered very relaxing and calming. After compressing my spine landing hard on a parachute jump I found that I was able to use my sauna for my own physiotherapy and the condition is almost gone now. On an interesting note I also discovered that a twenty minute session before going on a run would warm my muscles up and I would not suffer the old wear and tear aches as normal! As for Sandra, well her skin complaint has certainly reduced and although she still has occasional flair ups the condition is much less sever than before. Not only that but it has helped her detox, tone up and relax more than ever before.
    The benefits of using the infra red sauna have been obvious to us both and now we are keen to set up our own business promoting Physiotherm and hiring our sauna out to others. I would like to think that in the next six months we will own another sauna, one more suited to business use.
    Sandra and Frank

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Far infrared sauna benefits call for advice 021 5579162

Buy far infrared saunas direct from the South African importers call 021 5579162

Sauna Benefits

Heating of the tissues enhances metabolic processes call now for more information on 021 557 9162. Greater cellular energy production facilitates healing. Viruses, tumors and toxin-laden cells are weaker than normal cells. They tolerate heat poorly. Raising the body temperature causes infections to heal more quickly. Hyperthermia or fever therapy helps combat infections and even cancer. Our bodies develop fever when ill to enhance metabolism and help kill germs.

Infrared Saunas enhance circulation and oxygenate the tissues. They open the nasal passages and assist the sinuses to drain. A major eliminative organ, most people’s skin is very inactive. Many do not sweat. This may be due to synthetic or tight clothing that does not breathe. Sedentary living and sun damage also inactivate the skin. Hundreds of chemicals affect the skin from lotions, soaps, creams and deodorants. Others are cleaning solvents, detergent residues and chemicals from bathing water.

Repeated use of the far infrared sauna slowly restores skin elimination. Toxic chemicals and metals can be removed faster than with any other method. It is a daily habit that pays many dividends. Steam baths, sweat lodges, vigorous exercise and hot tubs are more extreme and less effective.

call 021 5579162 for a free quote

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fAR Infrared sauna Your lazy way to perfect health.

These days people become more and more aware about the health and beauty of the human body- call for more information 021 557 9162. Trying different methods we often come to the conclusion that procedures our predecessors used are the healthiest and most useful. Well …the far infrared sauna – its health improvement role and health benefits are enormous.

As the skin is the largest organ of the body and a major eliminative channel it’s a pity but in most people, it is inactive, congested and toxic. For example such factors as sun exposure, use of synthetic clothing, bathing in chlorinated water and exposure to hundreds of chemicals as a result the skin is heavily damaged.

weight loss Also taking in consideration that excessive sympathetic nervous system activity and emotions such as fear, anger and guilt cause blood to be withdrawn from the skin, contributing to inactivity of the skin. All these sound rather depressing, but fortunately we can restore our state of mind and body by means of infrared saunas as they provide many of the benefits including enhanced circulation and oxidation of the tissues. Visiting far infrared saunas regularly can help lower elevated blood pressure and improve the elasticity of the arteries.

Don’t forget that portable IR saunas are also most helpful for cardiovascular rehabilitation, weight loss, arthritis, allergies, skin conditions and chemical sensitivity. The sweating process while in the sauna gently and safely helps eliminate all heavy metals and toxic chemicals. As lots of medical professors state that bio-accumulated toxic load in the human body is responsible for all disease not attributable to bacteria or virus.

There are two facts medical studies prove: 1) most toxins can be eliminated through the skin, relieving the burden on the kidneys and liver; 2) sweating increases dramatically in most people after several months of infra-red sauna use. An infrared sauna is a wooden box with several infrared heaters that works by means of heaters that emit infrared radiation without heating the air; a heater produces this radiant energy, that is similar to the heat from the sun is a completely safe form of naturally occurring energy.

So as a result the FIR sauna box creates the atmosphere of the home sauna while the Far infrared heaters create the actual heating effect. The advantage of the infrared radiation is that it heats the skin directly without warming the air. Infrared radiant heat is safe and beneficial as the heat penetrates more than 1.5 inches into the body thus healing and stimulating tissues. Using portable saunas allows you to achieve health benefits and beauty of the body, as well you can easily do away with stress and fatigue.

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sauna FAR INFRARED SAUNA’S Call Today 021 5579162

Order a far infrared sauna today call 021 5579162
Saunas are safe for most people providing one follows a few simple rules. Remain inside no longer than 30 minutes at a time. Resting after your sauna treatment is important lying or sitting for 10 minutes afterwards should be part of your far infrared sauna routine. This allows time to eliminate dead cells and other debris. Drink mineralized water before and after the sauna. Make sure the bowels move regularly, as sauna therapy will increase elimination.Use the IR sauna with supervision if you have a chronic condition. If debilitated or very heat-sensitive, begin with a shorter time. The presence of an attendant or friend is also most helpful. Those with multiple sclerosis, hyperthyroidism, hypertension or serious heart conditions should consult a health professional.

People with slow metabolisms may use the fir sauna up to twice a day. Upon arising and at bedtime are excellent if time permits. Evening is probably best if you use it once a day. If ill, however, the morning is better when energy levels are higher. Less often is also acceptable if beginning or to maintain your health. If you are much debilitated, begin with once a week. Work up to daily usage depending on how you feel. People with fast metabolisms should use the infrared sauna once or twice a week.

Drink two glasses of mineralized water before entering the sauna. Add juice or minerals to your water if it is mineral-free. The far infrared sauna will not work through clothing. Men, position yourselves so the testicles are not directly exposed to infrared energy. Pass the time meditating or review your day.

Use a small sauna towel to wipe off the sweat. Not recommended talking or working in the infra-red sauna.

When finished, take a shower, warm or cool but not hot. Avoid using soap as you will be clean. Soap leaves a film and clogs the pores. Wash off the sweat with a skin brush or loofa. Brush all over, even face and hair. Painful at first, it soon feels wonderful. Brushing enhances the cleansing effect. Shampoo and conditioner use only if needed. Most contain chemicals toxic to the body. Also skip most lotions and creams. These also contain harmful chemicals.

After the sauna drink a glass of water. Sit or lie down for at least 10 minutes. These simple steps allow your body to reap the full benefit of the sauna experience. As you become healthier, you will sweat more easily. Also, to heat up the sauna will take longer. The body dissipates heat more efficiently and fewer cellular toxins are there to be removed

Far infrared saunas have been shown to provide significant stress reduction as well as to assist in weight loss, pain management and detoxification. They can also provide relief for people suffering from arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and certain skin conditions. Far infrared sauna therapy penetrates deeply into muscles and joints increasing circulation and helping speed the flow of oxygen through your entire body.

Over the last 25 years, Japanese and Chinese researchers and clinicians have done extensive research on infrared treatments and reported many provocative findings. In Japan there is an “Infrared Society”, composed of medical doctors and physical therapists, to further research and support the health benefits of infrared as a healing method. There have been over 700,000 infrared Saunas sold in the Orient for whole-body treatments, and an additional 30 million people have received localized infrared treatment in the Orient, Europe and Australia with lamps tuned to the same 2 ~ 25 micron waveband as employed in these whole-body Saunatech Saunas. Whole-body infrared therapy has been used for over 80 years by German physicians in an independently developed form.

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