Posts Tagged health benefits

Far infrared sauna benefits call for advice 021 5579162

Buy far infrared saunas direct from the South African importers call 021 5579162

Sauna Benefits

Heating of the tissues enhances metabolic processes call now for more information on 021 557 9162. Greater cellular energy production facilitates healing. Viruses, tumors and toxin-laden cells are weaker than normal cells. They tolerate heat poorly. Raising the body temperature causes infections to heal more quickly. Hyperthermia or fever therapy helps combat infections and even cancer. Our bodies develop fever when ill to enhance metabolism and help kill germs.

Infrared Saunas enhance circulation and oxygenate the tissues. They open the nasal passages and assist the sinuses to drain. A major eliminative organ, most people’s skin is very inactive. Many do not sweat. This may be due to synthetic or tight clothing that does not breathe. Sedentary living and sun damage also inactivate the skin. Hundreds of chemicals affect the skin from lotions, soaps, creams and deodorants. Others are cleaning solvents, detergent residues and chemicals from bathing water.

Repeated use of the far infrared sauna slowly restores skin elimination. Toxic chemicals and metals can be removed faster than with any other method. It is a daily habit that pays many dividends. Steam baths, sweat lodges, vigorous exercise and hot tubs are more extreme and less effective.

call 021 5579162 for a free quote

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fAR Infrared sauna Your lazy way to perfect health.

These days people become more and more aware about the health and beauty of the human body- call for more information 021 557 9162. Trying different methods we often come to the conclusion that procedures our predecessors used are the healthiest and most useful. Well …the far infrared sauna – its health improvement role and health benefits are enormous.

As the skin is the largest organ of the body and a major eliminative channel it’s a pity but in most people, it is inactive, congested and toxic. For example such factors as sun exposure, use of synthetic clothing, bathing in chlorinated water and exposure to hundreds of chemicals as a result the skin is heavily damaged.

weight loss Also taking in consideration that excessive sympathetic nervous system activity and emotions such as fear, anger and guilt cause blood to be withdrawn from the skin, contributing to inactivity of the skin. All these sound rather depressing, but fortunately we can restore our state of mind and body by means of infrared saunas as they provide many of the benefits including enhanced circulation and oxidation of the tissues. Visiting far infrared saunas regularly can help lower elevated blood pressure and improve the elasticity of the arteries.

Don’t forget that portable IR saunas are also most helpful for cardiovascular rehabilitation, weight loss, arthritis, allergies, skin conditions and chemical sensitivity. The sweating process while in the sauna gently and safely helps eliminate all heavy metals and toxic chemicals. As lots of medical professors state that bio-accumulated toxic load in the human body is responsible for all disease not attributable to bacteria or virus.

There are two facts medical studies prove: 1) most toxins can be eliminated through the skin, relieving the burden on the kidneys and liver; 2) sweating increases dramatically in most people after several months of infra-red sauna use. An infrared sauna is a wooden box with several infrared heaters that works by means of heaters that emit infrared radiation without heating the air; a heater produces this radiant energy, that is similar to the heat from the sun is a completely safe form of naturally occurring energy.

So as a result the FIR sauna box creates the atmosphere of the home sauna while the Far infrared heaters create the actual heating effect. The advantage of the infrared radiation is that it heats the skin directly without warming the air. Infrared radiant heat is safe and beneficial as the heat penetrates more than 1.5 inches into the body thus healing and stimulating tissues. Using portable saunas allows you to achieve health benefits and beauty of the body, as well you can easily do away with stress and fatigue.

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40 Fascinating Facts About FAR INFRARED Sauna’s

We will show you 40 fascinating facts from Sauna Tech call for more information on  021 557 9162

Although more and more people are learning firsthand about the fabulous benefits of owning a far infrared sauna or heat therapy room, many others still possess very little knowledge of this important subject. The following information has been compiled to help spread the good news with the hope of placing more people on the path to greater health, relaxation and happiness.

1. Using a far infrared sauna can help strengthen the body’s immune system by stimulating increased production of white blood cells by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus.

2. Far infrared rays improve blood circulation, stimulate endorphins, lower lactic acid, kill certain bacteria and parasites, and burn calories. Proponents of hyperthermia, also known as fever therapy, maintain that using far infrared energy to therapeutically induce higher body temperatures helps fight infections and even cancer. Their argument is supported by the human body itself, which radiates infrared energy for the benefits of warmth and tissue repair.

3. A good example of far infrared heat is the light produced by the sun.This is the heat you feel penetrate your skin when you stand in the sun and miss when you walk into the shade. It has nothing to do with ultraviolet light, which can damage your skin. When people do not receive adequate amounts of far infrared heat, they often can become ill or

4. Studies indicate that benefits of far infrared sauna use include:muscle relaxation; stress, tension and headache relief; reduction and removal of body toxins; increased cardiovascular strength; increased blood circulation; strengthened immune system; improved lung function, and refreshed, Moisturized skin

5. Far infrared saunas are recognized by health practitioners worldwide as perhaps the most effective method of removing both chemical and heavy metal toxins from the body. Far infrared saunas are thought to be 7 times more effective at detoxifying heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and other environmental toxins than conventional heat or steam saunas. For many chronically ill patients as well as people who are well and wish to stay that way by reducing their toxic burden, the far infrared sauna is the detox method of choice.

6. Bathing in a far infrared sauna in the early stages of a cold or flu has been known to stop the disease before symptoms occur.

7. Far infrared heat can penetrate into the skin about an inch and a half to two inches deep and can have therapeutic benefits, such as helping to dissolve fat deposits under the skin. Since toxins may be stored in the fat, the deep penetrating heat of a far infrared sauna can help eliminate them, especially toxins such as heavy metals and acidic compounds.

8. The radiant heat of a far infrared sauna is efficient because it warms the sauna bather directly. The body absorbs as much as 93 percent of the heat, causing perspiration and producing a vast array of health benefits.9. Far infrared saunas can help clear cellulite, the gel-like lumps of fat, water and debris trapped in pockets beneath the skin. European beauty specialists routinely incorporate daily far infrared sauna baths in programs to reduce cellulite.

10. Generally speaking, far infrared saunas are less expensive, easier to install, and require less maintenance than traditional saunas. They come in many sizes and are often quite portable, making them a great choice when limited space is available.

11. Far infrared radiant heat provides all the healthy benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects of solar radiation.

12. Far infrared saunas are more cleansing than conventional saunas because they are designed to generate more than two to three times the amount of perspiration. A higher volume of sweat means a more thorough flushing of toxins from the body.

13. Unlike in traditional saunas where temperatures range from 140 to 220 degrees Fahrenheit (60 to 105 degrees Celsius), the temperatures of far infrared saunas typically range from 100 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit (38 to 60 degrees Celsius).

14. The temperature inside a far infrared sauna is adjustable and comfortable. This allows a person to perspire faster and to tolerate a longer period of time inside the sauna. Typical sessions in a far infrared sauna last 20 to 30 minutes and can be repeated to maximize the benefits.

15. The lower heat range of far infrared saunas is safer for people with cardiovascular risk factors or fragile health because lower temperatures don’t dramatically elevate heart rate and blood pressure.

16. Far infrared saunas have been used to treat sprains, bursitis, rheumatism, muscle spasms, neuralgia and hemorrhoids. They have also been shown to relieve acne, eczema, psoriasis and burns.

17. The effects of toxin, chemical and pesticide poisoning can be greatly reduced by the far infrared sauna’s detoxification action. People who work with chemicals, as well as home gardeners who frequently use fertilizers and pesticides, are advised to use far infrared saunas on a regular basis.

18. Far infrared radiant heat is a form of naturally occurring energy that heats objects by direct light conversion. Direct light conversion warms only the object and does not raise the temperature of the surrounding free air.

19. A far infrared sauna will deliver hyperthermic benefits in a much shorter time period (i.e.10 to 15 minutes) than a conventional sauna (30 to 45 minutes).

20. Far infrared sauna use can help promote rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts, the connective tissue cells necessary for the repair of injury. It also can help increase growth of cells, DNA syntheses, and protein synthesis, all of which is necessary during tissue repair and regeneration.

21. In the electromagnetic spectrum, far infrared wavelengths measure between 5.6 and 1,000 microns. One micron equals one micrometer or one millionth of a meter. Wavelengths of between 6 and 14 microns are believed to be the most beneficial to humans and other living things on Earth. The human palm emits far infrared wavelengths of between 8 and 12 microns. The energy output from far infrared saunas so closely match the human body’s radiant energy that nearly 93 percent of the sauna’s far
infrared waves reach the skin.

22. Far infrared sauna therapy has helped people with cardiovascular conditions such as congestive heart failure and angina. It enhances endothelial nitric oxide, lowering blood pressure and improving cardiovascular function.

23. The radiant heat of far infrared saunas has been shown to be especially beneficial to people with sports injuries, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other chronic pain conditions.

24. In a study performed by U.S. researchers, the sweat of people using a conventional sauna was found to be 95 to 97 percent water, while the sweat of those using a far infrared sauna was 80 to 85 percent water with the non-water portion principally cholesterol, fat-soluble toxins, toxic heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia, and uric acid.

25. There are some definite advantages to using far infrared sauna thermal heaters, such as no high heat claustrophobic reaction and better air circulation. Far infrared heaters heat the body, not the air, so a bather is more comfortable and cooler. Far infrared saunas require 90 percent less electrical energy than conventional saunas, and no plumbing is required for a far infrared sauna.

26. Far infrared sauna use can be of significant benefit to people trying to lose weight. A 20 to 30-minute session in a far infrared sauna has been touted to burn as many calories as a six-mile run.

27. Far infrared saunas are now used in health facilities for a range of health problems such as menopause, ulcers, insomnia, asthma, bronchitis, ear infections, and allergies.

28. Far infrared saunas offer the same benefits as traditional dry saunas, if not more. Plus, far infrared saunas don’t rely on any type of water. You don’t have to worry about setting the sauna up on a waterproof floor or near plumbing, and you don’t have to worry about mildew.

29. Unlike a traditional sauna, which requires a closed atmosphere to maintain heat levels required for therapeutic results, a far infrared sauna can be used with its door or window completely open if far infrared penetration is the only objective.

30. Far infrared saunas benefit all your organs of elimination, from your lungs to your liver to your kidneys to your skin.

31. Infrared light lies between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared light has a range of wavelengths, just like visible light has wavelengths that range from red light to violet. Near infrared light is closest in wavelength to visible light, and far infrared light is closer to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Far infrared waves are thermal, meaning they are felt as heat.

32. A far infrared sauna is usually warm within 10 or 15 minutes, whereas a conventional sauna can take more than an hour to reach optimal temperatures.

33. Most far infrared saunas use ceramic elements to generate gentle heat. Another option, although quite costly, is to use far infrared bulbs, which can provide warming and stimulating color therapy.

34. In addition to hemlock, wood choices for far infrared sauna construction include basswood, birch, oak, poplar, spruce and western red cedar. When a wood type is stated to be hypoallergenic, it means that the wood contains minimal allergens and is therefore less likely to cause an allergic reaction. Typical wood allergies, however, are caused by

35. Respected retailers of far infrared saunas or heat therapy rooms include SAUNATECH

36. When far infrared heat penetrates a bather’s body, he or she can experience a refreshed mind, relaxed mood, reduction of aches and pains, improved metabolism, and systemic regularity leading to an overall feeling of wellness.

37. Hemlock is a softwood ideally suited for use in far infrared saunas. Hemlock is a very strong wood that is quite able to withstand the heat of a far infrared sauna. It is also abundantly available, which means the end cost to the consumer is less than it might be for another wood type.

38. Far infrared radiation is believed to be the only antidote to excessive ultraviolet radiation.

39. Certain alternative healing practices such as palm healing, a practice with some 3,000 years of tradition behind it in China, rely on the human body’s ability to emit far infrared radiant energy.

40. NASA has utilized far infrared therapy to help maintain fitness levels of astronauts in weightless environments.

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